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To-Do List Step 4 - Add a Family Photo
Updated over a week ago

Give your family group a personal touch!

Add a photo representing your family (e.g., a historic family picture, an image of your oldest ancestor(s), etc.).

  1. On the sidebar navigation menu, click on Family Directory under FAMILY GROUP.

2. Since we added a family photo when we created your family group, you can edit the photo here and select a different one if you prefer. To do that, click on Edit Photo.

3. Click on Choose File.

* You can also click on Delete Photo if you just want to remove it and don't have a new one to replace it with yet.

4. Select the file you want to use and click Open.

5. Drag the photo crop tool to select the area you want to use. Click Continue.

6. If happy with your selection, click Save Photo.

7. Go back to your To-Do List and click on the empty square next to step 4 to mark it as done.

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