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How to join a Family Group with a URL linked to a Claimable at Large Profile
How to join a Family Group with a URL linked to a Claimable at Large Profile

The Invite a Family Member process creates a Claimable at Large Profile for the invited family member.

Updated over a week ago

The process initiates an email invitation to the family member and includes a custom URL to connect the user to their Claimable at Large Profile. When the user uses the custom URL to join the family group, the information included in the Profile will pre-populate the Sign-up form.

FamConnections distributes email invitations through its integrated mail service. The FGO’s email is used as the sender’s email address. If the inviting family member included a Mobile Number in the join the family group invitation, the family member will receive an invitation via SMS, too. Please reference the Notifications Matrix for specific content included in system notifications.

  1. The Join our Family Group email function distributes an email to the family member that includes a personalized Join our Family Group URL. The personal URL links to the user’s specific Claimable at Large Profile and directs the family member to the Signup feature.

2. The Signup process starts at Step 1: Create Your Profile. This step is the process for the user to create a profile to access the platform. The form is pre-populated with values entered in the fields on the Join our Family Group form (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Gender, Email, and Mobile Number).

3. The user may overwrite content in the fields (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Gender, Email, and Mobile Number) or add content to the Maiden Name field.

4. The user must create a Password on this form.

5. The user must enter a Birthday on this form.

6. The user clicks the Continue button to proceed.

7. System performs a validation check on the form data.

8. System performs an age validation check based on the data in the birthday field. A user must be 18 years or older to join the platform.

9. The Finish Your Personal Profile page displays. The user may make additional changes to profile data (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Gender, Birthday, Email, and Mobile Number) or add content to the Maiden Name field.

10. The user may add a Profile picture.

11. The user may add a home address.

12. The user may click Skip This for Now or Submit to proceed to the next step.

13. The user may click Skip This for Now or Submit to proceed to the next step.

14. The user enters the platform as a user.

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