Platform Status
Updated over a week ago

A profile’s Platform Status is determined based on a combination of variables in the profile’s status and their status as a system user.

Profile Type

Profile Definition

Platform Status

Claimable At Large

  1. Profile created via the GEDCOM Import process or the Create Profile function in FamConnections.

  2. Member is deceased.

  3. Member’s age is unknown.

  4. Member is living and is a child, infant, or teen.

  5. Member is living and is an adult or senior (over age 18), and the Profile record has no email address.

Off Platform

Claimable by Email

  1. Profile created via the GEDCOM Import process or the Create Profile function in FamConnections.

  2. Member is living and is an adult or senior (over age 18), and the Profile record has an email address to be matched with users who join the family group via the Invite a Family Member function or joins the platform with a Family Group Code.

Pending Platform


  1. Profile created via the GEDCOM Import process, the Create Profile function in FamConnections, invited via the Invite a Family Member function or joins the platform with a Family Group Code.

  2. Member is living and is an adult or senior (over age 18), the Profile record has an email address, and the user is an active system user.

On Platform

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