System Roles
Updated over a week ago

The FamConnections system includes the following roles.



Family Group Owner (FGO)

Creates the family group in the Sign Up process and “owns” the family group. This role can view all data on the platform, add and remove family managers and reunion organizers, create the reunion, update reunion information, create and update family tree records, update email address and mobile number data in user profiles, remove members from the family group, invite family members to join the platform, and other administrative features.

This role cannot be transferred or shared (future functionality).

This role is responsible for billing (future functionality).

Family Manager (FM)

Create a reunion, edit a reunion, create, and update family tree records, view all data on the platform, update email address and mobile number data in user profiles, and invite family members to join the platform. Users may the list of Family Managers on the Family Managers page.

Reunion Organizer (RO)

Create a reunion, edit a reunion, update email address and mobile number data in user profiles, and invite family members to join the platform.


Update their user profile, change their contact information, add a spouse, child, or parent to their immediate family tree, view the family tree, and invite family members to join the platform.

The user’s role is displayed for the user underneath the user’s name.

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